Postdoc Fellowship

Funding for high-efficiency postdoc researchers under the Second Century Fund (C2F) shall be for the following objectives:

(1) to correspond with the World Class National University Strategy;

(2) to strengthen the postdoc researchers in their research for the purpose of publication and achieving international recognition;

(3) to contribute more high-quality works of academic excellence and their publication in international academic journals in the top 10 percent (Tier 1) of the ISI or SCOPUS database for the fields of science.

  • Postdoc Track A
  • Postdoc Track B


How to check Tier 1

Journal Ranking (Tier or Quartile) can be identified by 3 systems. You can choose 1 out of 3 to be evidence of your publication:

1. Scimago Journal Rank

Searching guide please see page 1-8 in

2. Journal Citation Report /Journal Impact Factor

Searching guide please see page 1-8 in

3. CiteScore Rank

Searching guide as follows:
1) Click the link
2) Type journal name in “Enter title” then click “find sources”
3) The CiteScore of the journal title will be shown. Click the journal title to see journal rank by subject area and percentile.

How to check Book Chapter

Name list of the first and second rank of book publishers in Scopus & ISI database please visit

How to check Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI)

How to check FWCI:

How to check university ranking

QS ranking please visit
THE ranking please visit

How to check Tier 1

Journal Ranking (Tier or Q) can be identified by 3 systems. You can choose 1 out of 3 to be evidence of your publication:

1. Scimago Journal Rank

Searching guide please see page 1-8 in

2. Journal Citation Report /Journal Impact Factor

Searching guide please see page 1-8 in

3. CiteScore Rank

Searching guide as follows:
1) Click the link
2) Type journal name in “Enter title” then click “find sources”
3) The CiteScore of the journal title will be shown. Click the journal title to see journal rank by subject area and percentile.

How to check Book Chapter

Name list of the first and second rank of book publishers in Scopus & ISI database please visit

How to check Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI)

How to check FWCI:

How to check university ranking

QS ranking please visit
THE ranking please visit

Result Announcement


1. Request Visa Documents for Entry to Thailand

2. Request Visa Documents for Extension, Cancellation, or Change of Visa Type

3. Request for a Certification Letter

4. Request for an ID Card and Internet Account

Progression report for who start working in August 2019 – September 2022 

Progress Report Information Guideline 

>>Progress report guideline<<

You can find progress report by the link below




Progression report for who start working since October 2022 (and renew a contract for start working after October 2022)

Progress Report Information Guideline 

>>Progress report guideline for who start working since Oct 22<<

You can find progress report by the link below









1. Request Visa Documents for Entry to Thailand

2. Request Visa Documents for Extension, Cancellation, or Change of Visa Type

3. Request for a Certification Letter

4. Request for an ID Card and Internet Account


Progression report for who start working in August 2019 – September 2022 

Progress Report Information Guideline

>>Progress report guideline<<

You can find progress report by the link below




Progression report for who start working since October 2022 (and renew a contract for start working after October 2022)

Progress Report Information Guideline 

>>Progress report guideline for who start working since Oct 22<<

You can find progress report by the link below






Researchers should submit the progression report every 6 months and 11 months during each grant year.

**6-Month Progress report**
Researchers submission on 1st – 5th date of month 7th.

Mentors/supervisors must submit the form on 1st – 7th date of month 7th.

**11-Month Progress Report**
Researchers submission on 10th – 16th date of month 11th.

Mentors/supervisors must submit the form on 10th – 30th date of month 11th.

1. Progress report by choosing No.3) 11-month Progress Report (Final report)

2. The researchers have to complete part 3 – The Renewal of Fellowship

3. For the grantees who would like to renew the contract, please inform us the month that you would like to start working which includes;

– The form of making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship). C2F will send the contract detail in the next email.

1. Please inform on the progress report by choosing No.2) 11 months Progress Report with requesting extension period.

2. The researchers must complete part 2.2 – Request for an extension period which includes;

– The form for making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship)

3. Mentors confirm the progress report.

**After your mentor has confirmed, please bear in mind that you MUST update/report your progress to C2F until your paper have been published**

1. Progress report by choosing No.5) Final Progress Report (Before or After 11 months)

2. The researchers must complete part 3 – The Renewal of Fellowship  

3. For the grantees who would like to renew the contract, please inform us the month that you would like to start working which includes;

– The form for making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship). C2F will send the contract detail in the next email.

4. Mentors confirm the progress report.

1. Progress report by choosing No. 4) Progress report for every 3 or 6 months after requesting an extension period  

2. The researchers have to do part 2.2 – Request for an extension period which includes;

– The form for making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship)

3. Mentors confirm the progress report.

**After your mentor has confirmed, please bear in mind that you MUST update/report your progress to C2F until your paper have been published**

Researchers should submit the progression report every 6 months and 11 months during each grant year.

**6-Month Progress Report**
Researchers submission on 1st – 5th date of month 7th.

Mentors/supervisors must submit the form on 1st – 7th date of month 7th.

**11-Month Progress Report**
Researchers submission on 10th – 16th date of month 11th.

Mentors/supervisors must submit the form on 10th – 30th date of month 11th.

1. Progress report by choosing No.3) 11-month Progress Report (Final report)

2. The researchers have to complete part 3 -The Renewal of Fellowship

3. For the grantees who would like to renew the contract, please inform us the month that you would like to start working which includes;

– The form of making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship). C2F will send the contract detail in the next email.

1. Please inform on the progress report by choosing No.2) 11 months Progress Report with requesting extension period.

2. The researchers must complete part 2.2 – Request for an extension period which includes;

– The form for making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship)

3. Mentors confirm the progress report.

**After your mentor has confirmed, please bear in mind that you MUST update/report your progress to C2F until your paper have been published**

1. Progress report by choosing No.5) Final Progress Report (Before or After 11 months)

2. The researchers must complete part 3 – The Renewal of Fellowship  

3. For the grantees who would like to renew the contract, please inform us the month that you would like to start working which includes;

– The form for making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship). C2F will send the contract detail in the next email.

4. Mentors confirm the progress report.

1. Progress report by choosing No. 4) Progress report for every 3 or 6 months after requesting an extension period  

2. The researchers have to do part 2.2 – Request for an extension period which includes;

– The form for making a researcher card
– Internet account (Postdoc only)
– The form for requesting a visa extension letter (International Postdoctoral Fellowship)

3. Mentors confirm the progress report.

**After your mentor has confirmed, please bear in mind that you MUST update/report your progress to C2F until your paper have been published**