The Second Century Fund
Following the approval of the Second Century Fund (C2F) Plan Phase 3 by Chulalongkorn University Council on Jan 24, 2019, C2F Office was established in February 2019 under the C2F Directive and Policy Committee, chaired by CU President, Professor Dr. Bundhit Eua-arporn. In the approved C2F Plan, there are four strategic plans to accomplish its objectives including Intelligence, Infrastructure, International and Impact.
The first one, Intelligence program aims to recruit top talent graduate students and postdoctoral researchers not only domestically from Thailand but internationally from around the world to increase the university’s capability to perform high quality research and enhance the international atmosphere in Chula.
Infrastructure boosting aims to support high end equipment for target research agenda and Industrial Partner Technology lab e.g. Big Data and AI for health.
International is to strengthen strategic partner matching with top universities or top research institutes.
Impact aims to grant big and high impact programs responding to global issues, the national agenda, or societal need. Derived the topic from overarching issues, the university will appoint topics as research’s agendas for Top down programs. While bottom up programs will be proposed by faculty/institute to create excellent academic outcomes.