C2F Office had held a lunch talk “How to get C2F PhD Scholarship” on Wednesday 18, 2022 from 11:45 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. via Zoom meeting. This lunch talk served as a platform to open up the opportunity for PhD candidates who are interested in applying for C2F PhD scholarship to inquire about the information needed. The event had attracted more than one hundred Thai and international participants. For its first session, we invited Associate Professor Dr. Vithaya Kulsomboon, Director of C2F Office, and Miss Duangporn Racksas, Assistant Director for giving an overview of C2F scholarship, source of funding, and eligible criteria for C2F High-Efficiency PhD. We also provided the last session of a talk for Q & A session where participants could ask any questions about the scholarship.
The C2F lunch talk had given insightful information about the scholarship and encouraged participants who meet the criteria to prepare the required documents for our next application.
Download “How to get C2F PhD Scholarship” slide: https://bit.ly/3Mup7Hr